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How Groups Work

Study groups are organised by subject and each group is listed on this website.  Go to either the Index of Groups or Groups by Category to find out more details about a specific subject.

  • If you want to join a new group that is advertised, please contact the Group Organiser to find out more about the group and how it runs.  The members carry out research and make presentations to the others and you will need to decide if you wish to contribute in this way.  Everyone in the group helps with the work and shares in its success.
  • Make sure you can attend all or most of the sessions.  If you have to miss a meeting, please let the Group Organiser know as soon as possible.  If you decide to leave the group, tell the group Organiser in order to free up a place for another member.  (N.B. :   Group Organisers :  please let us know about any vacancies which may arise, so that we can advertise the vacancy to members on this website. Just as importantly, please let us know when those vacancies are filled.)

  • Please contact :     Email the Web Team
  • If there are no current vacancies in the subject of your choice, leave your name and contact details with the  Group Organiser as members may leave groups during the year or, if there are a number of people interested in a subject, with their help we will try to start a new group.  Guidance on starting a new group can be found in the Group Organisers Guide
  • If you are an existing member of a continuing group, you have a priority in rejoining and you should have already informed your Group Organiser if you wish to remain in the group.  You must be a current U3A member to join any group.

Our Insurance Policy covers U3A members and the occasional non-member.  Sevenoaks U3A allows non-members to attend group meetings or outings as guests on a one-off basis.  This might include a member’s visiting friend or relative or a potential member who wanted to see how a group operated.  This type of attendance would not affect the insurance cover.

Copyright : Sevenoaks U3A 2011 -2017

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Site  Updated : 27th July  2017